Personalised P40E
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A Beginners Guide to see you through :-)
Here i will show you the easiest way to get the RAAF P40E up and running !

START by opening Explorer
Go to your cfs2 Aircraft folder and copy P-40E_RAAF/
Then paste that copy into My Documents Folder. Done that ? good,now rename the P-40E_RAAF folder to P40E,easy eh ? Now comes the Important bit....go to the texture folder and delete ..KittyRA4...good man easy eh ok now unzip P40E (the zip you got from YAHOO) and move everything inside to the P40E folder,say yes to overwrite and relax for a bit :-)

Relaxed ? Good,now if you open the P40E folder,you will see lots of new folders,Texture.roo for example,if you open one of the new Texture folders you will see that there is only one .BMP inside each,all named KittyRA4,this is the nose cone for the kitty and its the only one i changed.
Did you delete KittyRA4 from the Texture folder before ? you did ,my arnt you good ! ok so now go back to the main Texture folder called just Texture ,inside should be lots of BMP`s but not one called KittyRA4 because you deleted that one didint you ? ok so now "select all" then "copy" now move down the line of Texture folders and "paste"the copied BMP`s into each folder.easy eh ?
Allmost there kiddies,now just move the P40E folder th cfs2/AIRCRAFT and we are all done !
Now when you start cfs2 you can scroll down the available planes and select YOUR NAME,YES thats right,your very own Kitty (meow)
Dont worry if in the select plane window they all look the same,in the game they dont !
If you have any probs then email me ok S!